In 2012, CleanOil Zhuhai Investment Co., Ltd., (Hong Kong) established Zhuhai CleanOil Petrochemical Ltd. (“Zhuhai CleanOil”). Zhuhai CleanOil occupies an area of 35,000 sq . m, investing 40 million US dollars to build an advanced oil refining base, now with more than 100 employees. In 2013
All our materials and products are tested in accordance with the "American Petroleumlnstitute" (APl) and ...
Established in2002, our plant produoes stable base oilto the highest international petroleum standards using ourownpatented technology. We maintain stri,ct quality control procedures and all our materials and productscomply with the American Petroleum...
The policy of CleanOil is to complywith all governmental laws, rules, and regulations applicable to its business.